Monday, December 17, 2012

Not a bump in the road, more like a DETOUR!

The last time I tried to generate an entry was back in late May.  I was scheduled to start chemo in just over a  week and I was anxious to get started, but feeling VERY hopeful, positive, and optimistic.  I put it off thinking, 'I'll do it later this week.' As you can see that turned into a little over 6 months!

My doctors had advised that this treatment was going to be intense because of the different concerns we were addressing...the cancer, liver disease and thyroid issues. But nonetheless, I was my happy go lucky, all will be well self. After having had the challenges of surgery in January and radiation in April, I thought that things couldn't really get any worse. 

My plan was to begin treatment and continue with life as usual. I am a mother of 2, wife, we have pets, I am a runner, I am a sister, a daughter, a friend. I work full time at a position that requires me to drive often and make home visits, I didn't have plans to put my life on hold. I was eager to get started with treatment.  In my opinion the sooner we started, the sooner we'd get it over with. But sometimes life has plans of its own...

The past six months have been like no other time in my life.  The physical and emotional challenges that my family and I have been through can only be understood by those who have experienced similar situations. At times I think back and cant' believe what we have been able to endure. Although, we still have quite a bit ahead of us, six months later I am thankfully able to sit here and slowly resume some normalcy in our lives. 

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