Monday, February 11, 2013

You Never Know...

You Never Know... Those 3 words can mean different things to different people.

You Never Know...what will happen in the future?
You Never Know...what will tomorrow bring?
You Never Know...what does life has in store for you?
You Never Know...why do things happen the way they do?

But I don't question life in this way.  I don't question God, the Universe or any other Higher Power. After all of my health issues, and my more than 'colorful' life experiences,  I STRONGLY believe that EVERYTHING that happens in life, does so for a reason.  One thing leads to another. There are  those events which some may view as negative,  yet I simply see them as just a part of life, to shape you into the person that you are.    I try to live life one day at a time and be PRESENT. The more present I am, the happier I am, and that's something that I may not have always known, but which I do know NOW.  I also know that when you are faced with challenges:

You Never Know...the strength you have
You Never Know... the friends you have
You Never much you're missed
You Never Know...all that you'll learn
You Never much you can teach
You Never Know...the impact you make

You Just Never Know AND then you surprise yourself, just like I've surprised myself :)

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