Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Twilight Zone

'Welcome to the Twilight Zone.' I find myself using this phrase often, since that's exactly what I feel my life has become. Not to mention that it is also fitting since technology and I simply DO NOT this first attempt at the world of 'blogging' is very much in the 'Twilight Zone.'

The past six months have been a whirlwind of doctor appointments, days off from work, frustrated conversations with our insurance company and medical tests of all sorts, (blood work, biopsy's, ultrasounds, etc...) all to get me to where I am now- a varied diagnosis of different illnesses...AKA the Twilight Zone.

And in the midst of this 'zone' I've somehow managed to keep some of my sanity.  I've tried to keep things 'business as usual.'  but that doesn't mean I haven't had my moments, BOY have I had my MOMENTS...

WHEN did I get here? HOW did I get here?  Doesn't really matter,  all I know is that I don't have time to be here and I want OUT! Nothing about me is the 'sit around and see what happens type.' I am not the 'Negative Nelly' of the bunch,  nor the 'wall flower', nor the 'damsel in distress' awaiting Prince Charming's rescue.  I am the take charge kind of girl,  the one who will take the bull by the horns if need be and this Cancer thing will be no different...

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